Here we go, back in the van ... all for the love of Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, David Bryan and Tico Torres ....
Oh, the signs we got to know so well .... (anyone who has ever driven in NJ knows all about the no left turn signs ... LOL)

Then, we saw Century Productions where the Slippery studio demos were done ... (Rat was very cold so you can see him hiding on the ledge near the door)

And, on the way out of town ... we even stopped by the Amboy Motel where they shot the Only Lonely video (is that right...?) (Rat was too cold to get out of the van ...)

We made a quick stop at Elements where Rat may have gotten a bit blurry-eyed and tipsy thinking about the cosmos there ... LOL

We also stopped by the site of MANY a great Bon Jovi show ...

Of course, no trip thru New Jersey would be complete without a stop in Asbury Park. (It was wicked windy out ... and I was sick, sick, sick. Made for a bit of a nasty combination ... perhaps I became just a wee bit crabby ...)

First we stopped at The Stone Pony ....
I have to say that Asbury Park is looking much better than the last time I was thru there. Still a long way to go ... and we all know it will never be what it was ... but still, its great to see that people still care about the history of the place.
And then it was to The Fast Lane ... so sad that the sign is gone, but you can still tell it was "the place" and right between the bowling lanes and the Baronet.
Here's Rat going in the side stage door ... don't you just love the little star on his butt?! LOL Its a pretty darn narrow alley ... good thing Jon is so thin. ;-)

The front doors ...

After Asbury Park, we headed further down the shore to spend the night in A.C. As we were driving watching the gorgeous New Jersey sunset, you couldn't help but marvel at the sense of Bon Jovi history we were experiencing.
In my rearview mirror,
My life is getting clearer.
As the sunset sighs and
Slowly disappears.

And so the journey continues ....

Author's Note: I'm going to post this one now. Next up will be Atlantic City and Jon's New Jersey house.