NOOOO ... you sick people! I know what you're thinking.
My crazy German girls and I have been a bit obsessed lately with this internet radio station, cleverly named ... theradio.com ... LOL ... not kidding!
Why do we like it so much? Well, first off because you can put in your favorite artist (hmm...wonder who that would be?) and then like every 5 songs or so, they will play something by him/her/THEM. But another reason its so good is that they really play a mix of songs - both live tracks and deep record cuts.
We've heard everything from "Bang a Drum" (which now nobody can listen to without thinking of Starland ... ahhhh) to Richie's "The Answer" to "Save a Prayer." But, then one song stopped me in my tracks ... a song that, for some unknown reason, I don't listen to that often ... Jon's "Naked" from Destination Anywhere.
Well, this time it really hit me - how different it is than really anything I've heard from him - the groove of it and the vocal and instrumental sounds. And sure, its sexy and all that ... but I love the honesty of the chorus...
Naked. Naked.
Just get back to basics.
Naked. Face it.
You can't fake it when you're naked.
I hope y'all know he ain't just talking about physically. When you think about those words, in conjunction with the meaning of "Every Word was a Piece of My Heart," you really get the sense of where he was mentally when he wrote the record.
There is really only one video I know of with this song - live in London in 1997 - posted on YouTube by my friend Julie in South America (hey Jules! How are you?! Its been way too long!) ... take a look ...
JBJ: Naked (live 1997)