Anyway, so here we go ... do you organize by year, by record, by stage outfit (yes, separate folders for the blue gauze shirt from HAND and the infamous red shirt from the LH tour) ... or maybe by some other similar trait ... "Jon holding his shirt up" ...

Or maybe, "Jon giving the peace sign" (tho I have heard it means something else in other parts of the world ....)

How about OTHER people giving the peace sign ....

Hmmm .... where should I put this shot? ha ha
(I love how Paul is just trying to ignore this is even happening...or he's giving someone the evil eye ... LOL)

How about "Jon sitting on modes of transportation" ...

(dang! I gotta find that one of him on the John Deere tractor ... and the one on his dad's horse ... that would be perfect! LOL)
So what is the point of today's post? If I was trying to be introspective and esoteric, I'd say "don't put a label on things ... very few things in life fit into one category."
But, because its Wednesday and its raining and all the laundry machines downstairs are taken, I'll just say "damn, I like this project!"