I think it might be because the closer we get to the Superbowl, the more I feel the loss of the AFL season. I'm going to miss my Philadelphia Soul games, my friends, the players, the excitement, the heartbreak, the stinky sweaty Spectrum, the endless halls of the Wachovia Center (and my regular dose of crab fries from C&P.)
If you need a Soul fix, I recommend you go to your nearest Hard Rock Cafe and support the Foundation by purchasing a t-shirt and a pin from the new Signature Series. (And if you go to the one in NYC, don't even THINK about trying to get those huge signs ... I already asked ... LOL)

So, back to today's post. I'd like to publicly thank the Goddess Hathor for submitting her selection for "legendary performances." Thanks, Hath.
But ... ummm ... where are the rest of you?! Yes, YOU who reads this blog but never posts ... wahhh. There must be at least ONE performance that makes your heart sing ...
Well, here's another one of mine.
Probably one of the top 5 Jon Bon Jovi vocal performances. Period. I know few people who would disagree with me on this one. He's fantastic. Richie is fantastic. And, Tico ... lordy, lordy. Oops, David ... I didn't mean to ignore you. I can't say enough about this video. (its just a bonus that he's wearing my favorite jacket of ALL TIME ... ahhhh)
What I wouldn't give to hear this song live just one more time!