So ... in an effort to keep Jon Bon Jovi stalking to a minimum, I thought I'd use the next two weeks to highlight some of the great sites, sounds and smells of New York.
Now, keep in mind ... these are just things that I love about the city ... some may be to your liking, others might not ... but at least I'm giving you other things to do besides hang around Soho waiting to spot Jon (who if he's smart, will probably be in hiding ... LOL.)
So, today's NYC-ASA (Anti-Stalking Activity) has to do with shopping.
Of course, you need to stop by the flagship Macy's on 34th Street and a trip uptown a bit to Saks Fifth Avenue is always wonderful (go upstairs and have a quick bite to eat at the cafe.) And ladies, don't get lost in the cosmetics department ... make sure you have a cell phone so you can call in case of emergency (or to see how much you have available on your credit card!)
But, there are tons of places to get great bargains ... a NYC favorite is Century 21. I know this is always on the list for my German girls when they come to town!
But heed this warning ... make sure you eat your Wheaties because its not for the faint-of-heart. But, there are some really awesome deals on designer clothes. Also, like all discount places its hit or miss ... but I find it hard to leave there without at least a few things.

The store is located down by the World Trade Center site, so be sure to stop and take a moment to remember September 11, 2001. Its amazing that its already been almost 8 years since the attacks. When I'm in that area of town, it still feels like it was just yesterday.