I have so much to share with you that I don't even know just where to start. I guess the first thing is that my European girls arrived safely ... a little late, but safe nonetheless.
I will give a full report later on all our Jovi-related activities but for now, I'll jump straight to the fan club show on Monday. I would like to thank Rike for letting me use some of her photos right away ... we still need to go thru the pics and video but wanted to give you some quick shots.
We were happy to be all together right behind the soundboard (Obie) on a raised platform with a nearly perfect view.

By now, you have seen the setlist so you know just how amazing the show was. And to the MANY of you who have texted and e-mailed about how happy I must have been about hearing "Every Word..." -- I can't begin to tell you the emotions that went thru me for that entire song, including awe, disbelief, and then eventually just completely crying my eyes out.
As I said above, there will be much, much, MUCH more to come (when I can get home and can write on a familiar computer.) But, in the meantime, a few thoughts ...
I love to see Jon Bon Jovi happy. Cuz when he is happy, he has the innate ability to take you to a whole other world.
And DAMN, Jonny was frickin' happy on Monday ... it was like he was in his element, having a blast and the rest of us were just incredibly blessed to be able to go along for the ride.
See the look on his face in this picture ... that genuine, happy smile we like to see ... that's what the whole night was.

Between the rarely done solo works, covers of Jukes songs and a smattering of Bon Jovi songs, the night really could not have been more perfect. The "and friends" band he assembled completely rocked. Bobby Bandiera was on fire.

The fact that this concert gave Jon the opportunity to use a horn section ... FABULOUS. I always said, if I didn't play bassoon, I would have loved to play bari sax in the Jukes ... well, correction ... now, I'd love to play bari sax with either of the Jersey Johns.
Okay ... I have to go for now ... must get ready for the big Jovifest tonight at Chickie & Pete's in Philly.
But, don't worry because
Though I'll blow away
You know I'll be back soon ...
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog ... The New Jersey Rat Race ... I PROMISE you will love it!
PS If there are misspelled words in here, forgive me ... the German computer thinks ALL my words are wrong ... LOL