Actually, its not so bad for a Monday ... its sunny and bright out. A little chilly, but not bad. I'm hoping the weather will hold out thru "the invasion" ... between the Europeans and the Aussies all coming for the fan club show, its gonna be a hot time in the tri-state area.
Per Rike's request, today's ASA will be non-food related so that y'all can go back home and say you did more than just eat and drink your way thru NYC .... LOL
Lets talk about museums ...
No matter what kind of art you like ... or if you're not the well-versed when it comes to art ... there's a place for you in New York.
Of course, the top two places are The Metropolitan Museum of Art (one of the modern wonders of the world, in my opinion) and the Museum of Modern Art (aka MOMA ... my personal favorite and the place where I could - and have - spent countless hours!)
But, lets talk the Met because it really can fulfill most of your art needs. Though there is a stated entrance fee, it is only a "suggested donation" ... so don't feel guilty about not paying the whole thing. Of course, if you can, please do ...
Make sure you stop by the most spectacular place in the Museum, the Temple of Dendur. (For those reading my sad excuse for a fan fic, you know this is where Madison held her fundraiser.) Whether its sunny or raining or snowing, this space is just gorgeous.

There are places to eat (ooops, sorry Rike!) inside the Museum and they aren't completely overpriced (only a little.)
But, keep in mind that if you're not into the big, sometimes noisy museums, there are A TON of galleries around NYC (and no, I haven't found any of Tico's art in them yet.) If you are a gallery person, be sure to pick up a copy of TimeOut New York when you get to town or visit them online. Actually, no matter what ... you should visit the site. Luckily, Fashion Week will be over by the time you all get here ... its fabulous .. but the city is crazed then.
Okay ... that's all for today or I'll never end up posting this!
But, before I go, I thought perhaps we needed a little reminder of what is bringing us all together in the first place ...
They really need to re-release this on DVD. I have 3 copies of this on VHS because I never, ever want to be without one for the rest of my life and tapes do wear out.