So, the Hard Rock show ... hmm ... where to start? First off, entry to the venue was a bit of a nightmare ... correction, it was a total nightmare. If you follow either me or the Fiction Mistress on Twitter, you already know all about it. LOL
And what makes it sad is that its not just an unfortunate experience for the fans, its not fair to the artists. They end up with a crowd that is overtired and overheated without the energy they deserve.
On another note though, while standing in line, FM and I learned more about the "cookie diet" and liposuction than we ever thought possible from two girls standing near us. But, between that and the never-ending video loop in the venue itself -- which showed bikini-clad girls in heels enhanced to the point that either they were going to tip over, or if they were balloons, they were going to simply rise up to the ceiling -- I was beginning to have serious body issues. LOL
But, Bon Jovi can make you completely forget about the 5+ hours you just stood in line and the fights that have broken out amongst drunk women -- including one that made FM's wonderful and endearing Southern charm just disintegrate at the hands of a crazy drunk girl ... at one point, I thought mild-mannered FM was going to give those huge boxing fights at the MGM a run for their money! (A bit of advice -- don't mess with FM when you're drunk and stupid -- particularly because FM is neither of those.)
As for the concert ... I must say that Jon Bon Jovi is brilliant. He made a bit of a reference to getting out of the studio and having some fun. I bet there's a lot of truth to that - and I have to say that it certainly looked like Dave and Richie, in particular, were having a BLAST. Don't get me wrong - I think (and hope) Jon enjoyed himself as well, but the interaction between Richie and Dave just really stood out to me and it looked like a show was JUST what they needed.

So, I do believe Jon may be in love with his new electric (which not only sounds great, but is a gorgeous instrument to look at!) I was very happy to hear Whole Lot of Leavin' -- which is hands-down my favorite song off the last record. It was bittersweet to hear We Got It Goin' On due to the whole AFL situation. (BTW, I met a guy from the NFL Players Association at the airport - we actually had a long chat about arena football and its future.) And even though, I'm a bit over (oops ... did I say that out loud?!) Who Says and the whole "its alright" thing, Jon did this awesome syncopated, triplet-thing at one point that totally made me smile.
As always, if there is a song that will get a crowd going, this would certainly be one of them ...
There are, of course, dozens of videos up at YouTube already ... so enjoy! And definitely visit FM's blog to see her wonderful pictures from the show when she posts them (the pic above is hers.)
On a more personal note, it was great to catch up with Jovi friends, though I wish we had more time. But, I must say ... if my German friends bring me any more chocolate, I'm going to send them the bill for my clothes alterations! LOL
(And to FM and P -- I simply could not have made it thru the show without your love and support ... THANK YOU!)