I believe yesterday was the biggest day in this blog's history. You all REALLY wanted to know about the film, didn't you?! I can't believe the number of people who visited the site from all over the world - North and South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. (updated to add my Aussie friends ... sorry ... *bows head in shame*)

To celebrate ... well ... everything and anything, I am going to give away some "blog candy."
What is that exactly? Well, I'm going to randomly (using the random number generator online) pick someone and send them a Bon Jovi goodie bag. What's in the bag? Well, I'm not sure yet ... need to look thru my stash, but I guarantee it will have fun things from the Philadelphia Soul and Bon Jovi - with at least one SIGNED JBJ item.
So ... how do you win this special package? Its simple! Just leave a comment below in the comment section answering these two things:
1. What is your favorite Bon Jovi memory? (I know this is nearly impossible for some of us ... sheesh ... one moment from the last 25 years?!) I just think its nice to hear the impact this band has had on people's lives.
2. What would you like to see more of on this site? I spend the time to update this site not just for me, but for you all too. Of course, keep in mind that I do have a job and friends and other commitments so I can't promise anything, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
P.S. I do plan to have more polls in the future ... y'all seem to like voting. (FYI ... the next poll will be posted on Monday, May 4th.)
Okay. That's it. That's all you have to do. You must answer both questions. And you can only enter once (yes, I have my ways of finding out ... hehehe)
You have until SUNDAY, MAY 3rd at MIDNIGHT EST to leave a comment (so my international friends, make sure you enter in time!)
I will announce the winner on Monday. If you usually comment "anonymously" please be sure to include some nickname in your post. After the announcement, the winner will have 48 hours to contact me at bigapplejovi@yahoo.com to claim your prize (so I can get your mailing address ... LOL!)