I like it. I like it.
I can't get enough.
I like it. I like it.
I get a rush.
I like what I like.
And I like it too much.
You know what I like, yeah.
I get a rush.
I Get A Rush
Bon Jovi - 100 Million Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong
Time for Football Fridays!
As I alluded to in my welcome post, I'm a bit of a sports nut ... mostly its football - both NFL and AFL ... but also baseball, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, golf, basketball, hockey, volleyball ... just about anything. Needless to say, I'm still catching up on sleep after watching the Olympics 24/7.
There's one thing, though, I have never been able to get into. That's college football. Sure I might watch Notre Dame every once in a while, but that's only because I have met Charlie Weis at a Jovi show or two.
Maybe the college game doesn't resonate with me because I didn't go to a school with any sports. Correction! Juilliard actually did have a hockey team. Yes, a hockey team. The Juilliard Penguins. I gotta say ... the team wasn't very good, but the pep band rocked. Ha ha ha.
In any case, there was a bit of college football news this week that caught my attention ... that was the actual naming of the upcoming OSU/USC game. For those who didn't know, its been named "Collision in the Coliseum." I love how the media has this overwhelming need to label things.
So, of course, Thursday morning on ESPN Radio's Mike & Mike, the incomparable duo of Greeny and Golic, explored the topic by choosing an upcoming game and re-naming it. What did they choose? The Stony Brook - Maine game. Some of the potential names?
Commotion by the Ocean
Lashing at Lobsterland
Rumble for the Humble
Mobsters versus Lobsters
The "We'd Rather be Playing Lacrosse" Bowl
The LL Bean Bowl

So, what should we call this one? How about ... Mayhem in the Marsh, Torture on the Turnpike, Jousting in New Jersey ...?
Feel free to post your idea in the comments section.
Tune in tomorrow for my take on that game and my picks for all the games for week 2. Man I love this time of year!
P.S. I must give a shout-out to my blogging partner in crime, The Fiction Mistress. Its Mistress Mail Friday and Samantha always has something fun to say. The link to her site is on the left.