After some coaxing from friends (and you know who you are!), I have decided to bite the bullet.
So ... this is it ... my little corner to muse on the crazy, unpredictable, delectable and downright disastrous. Here you will find a daily smattering of news, thoughts, memories and, of course, opinions about the people, places and events on this journey that is my life.
I can't promise it will always be smooth and polished ... my friends know I'm a big fan of James Joyce and so stream-of-consciousness is inherent in my nature. I can promise that I will be honest - for the good and the bad of it. I can also promise that there will be lots of references to Bon Jovi (the man and the band), music, sports, books and booze.
Why Bon Jovi? Because over the past two decades, this band has inspired me, consoled me and educated me. Their music has made me laugh and made me cry. Their performances have entertained and exhausted me. And maybe most importantly of all, this band has helped me forge friendships that will last a lifetime.
Thanks for stopping by ... and I hope you do so often.
P.S. One of the fabulous features here at Jovi Junction will be my pick for Bon Jovi Song of the Day. Going forward it will be at the top of each Daily Dish, but for this first day, I'll just include it here.
I guess I would have to go with Livin' on a Prayer today ... mostly because that's how I feel about this whole foray into blogging ...hmmm ... or maybe because that's how I felt about the Patriots season when I heard Tom Brady was out for the year ...