I've been staring at the page
For what seems like days.
I guess I'll put this one down.
For a while.
Did I see a tear fall
From your eyes?
Or did you laugh so hard
That you cried?
When I served my secrets
On a silver tray to you.
Every Word Was A Piece of My Heart
Jon Bon Jovi - Destination Anywhere
This song is one of my all-time favorites. I remember the first time I heard Jon's Destination Anywhere album. It was so different than what I heard from the band - many of the songs seeming like a truly personal expression of the writer's innermost thoughts.
I have always loved words - words of songs, words in books, words on signs.
It probably comes from my mom, who is one of the most avid readers I know. I remember one year when she set a goal of reading 52 books ... I think she ended up at more than 75 by the end of the year.
But, our lives get in the way and at a certain point I found myself only reading things that applied to school and,then later, to work. And writing ... well, that became more about composing compelling paragraphs to gain support for whatever orchestra, theatre, charity or project I was working with.
But, recently, I've started really reading and writing again. For those of you Jovinuts, here's the link to my new story, The Things We Do for Love. Yes, I took the plunge. Much thanks to Mistress, Goddess and Willow who have been my support group.
Anyway ... I digress ... words. Yes, words can lift us up or give us perspective. They can calm our fears or even illuminate them. In the end, words are what we have as a tool to express ourselves ... perhaps the best tool we have been provided. So ... use them wisely.