Dear fellow Jovifans. After much consideration, I have decided to put this blog on hiatus for the time-being. I have enjoyed sharing with you some of my thoughts and my experiences regarding concerts and events I have attended. I may continue to do so once the tour starts - which for me will hopefully be the first two shows in Hawaii in February.
As I have often said, unfortunately, the Bon Jovi world seems to bring out both the best and the worst in people. As such, I need to step away from it for a while.
If you would like to receive notice when/if I "re-activate" this site, please e-mail me at
Thank you for all your support and hope to see you out on the road.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Steffi!
This is a huge shout-out to my dear German friend Steffi (some of you might know her as Mue.) Wish I was there celebrating with you and all the girls. Can't wait to see you in May!!
Well, Steffi is a Jongirl ... so here's a little HRH tribute for her birthday (which I'm sure many of you will also enjoy. LOL)

And here's a little video from one of the many shows we've been to together ... I will never forget this performance. Steffi was standing right next to me thru the whole thing as I was in total shock. :-) I think she may still have the bruise on her arm where I squeezed her. LOL
Well, Steffi is a Jongirl ... so here's a little HRH tribute for her birthday (which I'm sure many of you will also enjoy. LOL)

And here's a little video from one of the many shows we've been to together ... I will never forget this performance. Steffi was standing right next to me thru the whole thing as I was in total shock. :-) I think she may still have the bruise on her arm where I squeezed her. LOL
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Two Wild Nights
Greetings Jovinuts ... hope this finds you all well, recovered from too much turkey (my fellow Americans) and getting over the abysmal showing of the New York Giants on Thanksgiving. UGH!
Thought I would just stop by and give you a few thoughts on the just-released Madison Square Garden DVD.
A HUGE thanks to my dear friend Rike for sending me a copy early (no, not a bootleg ... a REAL copy) so that I didn't have to wait until the release in the States. (No worries, the U.S. economy is not suffering from this ... for I already had 4 copies on pre-order. LOL) The screen captures you see are also from Rike ... aren't they wonderful?!
In any case, what can I say about this concert dvd? Well, I mean, besides that I will be watching this several dozen more times ... probably before Christmas.
The camera angles for the most part are fantastic. And they really capture all the guys (well .. at least J, R, D and T) at their best. In terms of the song inclusion, its pretty darn good with obviously performances from both nights ... some of which were absolutely unforgettable (i.e. a Blood on Blood for the ages!)
I will say that I'm not crazy about the tracking. I have always felt that Jon Bon Jovi does an incredible job of constructing a setlist that flows well. Yes, we know he may change things around from time to time and there is usually that list of audibles, but he has the uncanny ability to gauge exactly what a crowd needs when and, as such, there is always an incredible rhythm to the band's live shows. By straying from that, I felt the dvd lost that somewhat.
Nonetheless, having been at both MSG shows, it certainly captured the excitement and energy of those two nights. Furthermore, I'm MORE than grateful to have a beautiful, clean copy of Dry County now. I have several bootleg versions, but a professionally recorded one is always that much better.
I think the filming REALLY captures the strength of Tico Torres. I will admit I am on a bit of a Tico "thing" right now after the whole Today Show experience last week. Seriously, I could sit and watch him play for hours on end. Also, you can tell that he is truly having a fantastic time playing with his band of brothers. His no-nonsense, grounded stability is something I believe has really come out both in this dvd and in the documentary.
And, of course, its no surprise that the performance of Hallelujah is truly out of this world. ONCE AGAIN I will say ... that does not mean that we want to hear that MORE than some of the deep cuts from the band's albums. We just want to hear it IN ADDITION to those songs. Basically, Jon ... just start the show around 1pm - right after Richie wakes up - and just continue singing til about midnight. :-) We promise to bring you plenty of tea and give you a bathroom break. Haha.
Speaking of shows and such, if you haven't seen it ... Hath has put together a very cool concert calendar that will help you connect with some of your Jovifriends. You can visit it on her site. As for which shows I'm attending, you can see the anticipated list in the left column of this blog.
Well, that's all for now. I look forward to hearing your comments about the dvd once you've seen it.
P.S. If you know me in real life, you will find a good shot of me and Joviswillow during Bad Name. :-)

A HUGE thanks to my dear friend Rike for sending me a copy early (no, not a bootleg ... a REAL copy) so that I didn't have to wait until the release in the States. (No worries, the U.S. economy is not suffering from this ... for I already had 4 copies on pre-order. LOL) The screen captures you see are also from Rike ... aren't they wonderful?!
In any case, what can I say about this concert dvd? Well, I mean, besides that I will be watching this several dozen more times ... probably before Christmas.
The camera angles for the most part are fantastic. And they really capture all the guys (well .. at least J, R, D and T) at their best. In terms of the song inclusion, its pretty darn good with obviously performances from both nights ... some of which were absolutely unforgettable (i.e. a Blood on Blood for the ages!)

Speaking of shows and such, if you haven't seen it ... Hath has put together a very cool concert calendar that will help you connect with some of your Jovifriends. You can visit it on her site. As for which shows I'm attending, you can see the anticipated list in the left column of this blog.
Well, that's all for now. I look forward to hearing your comments about the dvd once you've seen it.
P.S. If you know me in real life, you will find a good shot of me and Joviswillow during Bad Name. :-)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What An Amazing Morning ...
Okay ... I will probably be back later to post more but for now, just wanted to drop in and say that the Today Show this morning was AWESOME!
Yes, OF COURSE I was there and thanks to my good friend JerzyJovi had one of the VIP Radio Winner passes which got us into a special area before the VIP passes and the fan passes (that's goin' in the scrapbook for sure! )

the pass translated into this view ... about 15 feet from Tico ...

Even though we were at the side of the stage, we had GREAT views of the guys and were surrounded by some real fans, a bunch of fantastic ladies.
There were a couple of soundchecks - the first one was without Jon (like the Veteran's Day show) and then Jon came out later. It was great to hear RICHIE singing Work for the Working Man and Superman Tonight, even if he didn't really know all the words (that's okay ... WE DID!)
There is usually one moment in every show that sticks with me for a while ... I think this one will stick with me until the day I die.
Many of you have heard about my special moment with Jon at the Central Park show. If you don't know the story ... very quickly ... I had this sign (that said Destination Arenabowl) that I took to every show. Jon saw it A LOT. LOL. The day of the Central Park show was the day we won the Conference Championship which gave us a spot in the ArenaBowl. This is what happened when he saw my sign ...

many of you know Joviswillow who got those shots and to whom I will be forever grateful!!! :-)
Anyway ... that was an incredible moment.
Today's moment just might rival that ... for when Jon saw my baseball cap with the honkin' big Soul logo, he looked at me, we did several thumbs up back and forth to each other, he pointed to the hat, I laughed, we smiled at each other ... this went back and forth for a good several seconds ... though it felt like the whole thing was in slow-mode. LOL
One of the ladies behind us got an AWESOME shot of the exchange ... she said she would e-mail it to me ... I hope she actually does.
Jon Bon Jovi and I definitely have this ongoing connection when it comes to the Soul. The team was a very big part of my life, especially in that last season. I ate, drank and breathed that team in year 5. Oh ... I almost forgot! I'm pretty sure Obie was wearing the Soul Band and Drumline shirt today that I gave him. So, all around it was a little Soul lovefest.
I do deserve some credit for refraining from jumping on the stage and absolutely interrogating Jon about exactly what he is doing to bring the team back. I figured that might not bode well for future encounters with him. LOL
Anyway ... it was a fantastic morning - too short, as always - but we did get Work for the Working Man several times ("and once again from the bridge, starting on D" LOL) and a couple of times thru Superman Tonight. Because it was a broadcast and time was limited, they did have to shorten both songs a bit.
I gotta say ... I absolutely LOVED being so close to Tico. Its usually so hard to even see him back there sometimes, so to have the opportunity to be close enough to almost run my fingers over the windchimes was pretty darn cool.
We finished off our wonderful morning with a quick trip to Ferrara's in Little Italy to pick up some pastries. CANNOLI!!! Yumm!! ... well, yumm eventually ... ... after getting a little turned around in Chinatown. Haha. Seriously, it gets funky down there with Canal and the Bowery and all that ... oyyyy!
P.S. YES! I know I need to get a real concert camera ...
But, in the meantime, I will END on this (sorry ... I just HAD to!) ...
Yes, OF COURSE I was there and thanks to my good friend JerzyJovi had one of the VIP Radio Winner passes which got us into a special area before the VIP passes and the fan passes (that's goin' in the scrapbook for sure! )

the pass translated into this view ... about 15 feet from Tico ...

Even though we were at the side of the stage, we had GREAT views of the guys and were surrounded by some real fans, a bunch of fantastic ladies.
There were a couple of soundchecks - the first one was without Jon (like the Veteran's Day show) and then Jon came out later. It was great to hear RICHIE singing Work for the Working Man and Superman Tonight, even if he didn't really know all the words (that's okay ... WE DID!)
There is usually one moment in every show that sticks with me for a while ... I think this one will stick with me until the day I die.
Many of you have heard about my special moment with Jon at the Central Park show. If you don't know the story ... very quickly ... I had this sign (that said Destination Arenabowl) that I took to every show. Jon saw it A LOT. LOL. The day of the Central Park show was the day we won the Conference Championship which gave us a spot in the ArenaBowl. This is what happened when he saw my sign ...

many of you know Joviswillow who got those shots and to whom I will be forever grateful!!! :-)
Anyway ... that was an incredible moment.
Today's moment just might rival that ... for when Jon saw my baseball cap with the honkin' big Soul logo, he looked at me, we did several thumbs up back and forth to each other, he pointed to the hat, I laughed, we smiled at each other ... this went back and forth for a good several seconds ... though it felt like the whole thing was in slow-mode. LOL
One of the ladies behind us got an AWESOME shot of the exchange ... she said she would e-mail it to me ... I hope she actually does.
Jon Bon Jovi and I definitely have this ongoing connection when it comes to the Soul. The team was a very big part of my life, especially in that last season. I ate, drank and breathed that team in year 5. Oh ... I almost forgot! I'm pretty sure Obie was wearing the Soul Band and Drumline shirt today that I gave him. So, all around it was a little Soul lovefest.
I do deserve some credit for refraining from jumping on the stage and absolutely interrogating Jon about exactly what he is doing to bring the team back. I figured that might not bode well for future encounters with him. LOL
Anyway ... it was a fantastic morning - too short, as always - but we did get Work for the Working Man several times ("and once again from the bridge, starting on D" LOL) and a couple of times thru Superman Tonight. Because it was a broadcast and time was limited, they did have to shorten both songs a bit.
I gotta say ... I absolutely LOVED being so close to Tico. Its usually so hard to even see him back there sometimes, so to have the opportunity to be close enough to almost run my fingers over the windchimes was pretty darn cool.
We finished off our wonderful morning with a quick trip to Ferrara's in Little Italy to pick up some pastries. CANNOLI!!! Yumm!! ... well, yumm eventually ... ... after getting a little turned around in Chinatown. Haha. Seriously, it gets funky down there with Canal and the Bowery and all that ... oyyyy!
P.S. YES! I know I need to get a real concert camera ...
But, in the meantime, I will END on this (sorry ... I just HAD to!) ...

Friday, November 20, 2009
Phil vs Phil
Now don't fall off your chair or anything ... but yes ... I have FINALLY posted a new poll! I figured we hadn't done one of these in a while, so it was high time we did.
In celebration of Monday night's AmEx event with Jon Bon Jovi and Phil Griffin, I decided that we would take a closer look at the two videos Phil had done with Bon Jovi prior to the making of the documentary.
First up is Whole Lot of Leaving ... which is, in my opinion, hands down the best song on the Lost Highway album. Period.
The video - which is clearly a precursor to what we would see in the documentary in terms of film style - wasn't widely played here in the States but I really enjoy it. I like that on a few recent videos they did overdub Jon actually singing (also on Make a Memory.) Additionally, I just simply love black and white film. Those of you who know me are probably not surprised AT ALL by this.
Up next is one of the other singles from Lost Highway, Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore ... which was played non-stop in the States.
I like the song - will listen to it on the record and think their voices meld very well together. As for the video, of course I love that it was shot in New York. I believe it was done right in front of the Flatiron building (correct me if I'm wrong) and I like the symbolism in how those two streets come together. I do wonder, however, what God-awful time of night they had to shoot it, considering traffic around there. Well, at least Jon didn't have to travel too far. LOL

Sorry, video upload was taking waay too long, so CLICK HERE to see the video. (Will try upload again later.)
Side Note: That is one big bed there ... with the size of NYC apartments, you'd HAVE to have it out on the street. LOL
Anyway, so those are my thoughts ... now its your turn ... (don't forget to leave comments if you'd like) ... poll box is somewhere in the left sidebar.
In celebration of Monday night's AmEx event with Jon Bon Jovi and Phil Griffin, I decided that we would take a closer look at the two videos Phil had done with Bon Jovi prior to the making of the documentary.
First up is Whole Lot of Leaving ... which is, in my opinion, hands down the best song on the Lost Highway album. Period.
The video - which is clearly a precursor to what we would see in the documentary in terms of film style - wasn't widely played here in the States but I really enjoy it. I like that on a few recent videos they did overdub Jon actually singing (also on Make a Memory.) Additionally, I just simply love black and white film. Those of you who know me are probably not surprised AT ALL by this.
Up next is one of the other singles from Lost Highway, Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore ... which was played non-stop in the States.
I like the song - will listen to it on the record and think their voices meld very well together. As for the video, of course I love that it was shot in New York. I believe it was done right in front of the Flatiron building (correct me if I'm wrong) and I like the symbolism in how those two streets come together. I do wonder, however, what God-awful time of night they had to shoot it, considering traffic around there. Well, at least Jon didn't have to travel too far. LOL

Sorry, video upload was taking waay too long, so CLICK HERE to see the video. (Will try upload again later.)
Side Note: That is one big bed there ... with the size of NYC apartments, you'd HAVE to have it out on the street. LOL
Anyway, so those are my thoughts ... now its your turn ... (don't forget to leave comments if you'd like) ... poll box is somewhere in the left sidebar.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Brahms, Beethoven and Bon Jovi
I really did try to pare this down ... sorry, its a bit long and the spacing is wonky ... but anyway ...
Hello fellow Jovifans! Hope you are having a great day. I can't help but be in a good mood after Monday night's AmEx event at Alice Tully Hall. Geez! I don't even know where to begin.
Oh, wait ... yes, I do!
First and foremost - I need to publicly thank my beloved friend, the Fiction Mistress. It was because of her that I was able to attend this event ... and it was because of the lovely people at American Express that our seats were third row dead center. (And I'm not kidding - literally DEAD CENTER.) Luckily, FM is a great photographer because I tend to not take pictures during shows ... so be sure to thank her for the lovely images you see in this post. :-)
In any case, there are already so many articles and mini-reviews of the show floating around that I'm not sure what I can add that will be new to y'all.
So, instead ... I will just ramble a bit (as usual) ... until I have nothing left to say. LOL
I have been VERY blessed to attend many a Jovi event over the years - fan club trips, small concerts, big concerts, press events, Soul events, etc. - but I must say that this one rates way up near the top ... on par with the Actor's Studio taping, but different because it wasn't all the guys.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have a special fondness for Alice Tully Hall. Why, you ask? Well, the hall is attached to Juilliard and the school does many of its orchestral and chamber music concerts there. I have played on that stage more times than I can count - some performances memorable - others ... well ... not so much.
In fact, I had recently told Jeff Kazee (keyboard player for the Jukes and frequent "and friends" musician for HRH) about a concert I had done there during the Mozart bicentennial celebration several years ago. It was for bassoon and two basset-horns (which a member of the clarinet family.)
Jeff, being the consummate joker that he is, sent me a message late last week saying "hey, I just heard Jon Bon Jovi was going to use a bassoon and two basset HOUNDS!" ... lordy ... only Jeff!! (just in case - for my international friends ... see the links for each to understand the play on words.)
Anyway ... about Tully. There is actually a "quasi-secret" hallway that leads from Juilliard to backstage at Tully. All alumni of the school have access to the building pretty much at all times ... so I WILL admit ... it took everything in my power not to utilize that hallway Monday night. LOL
Okay ... enough about the venue and on with the show.
I really didn't have any expectations going in regarding the structure of the event. When I read the promotional material and it said that Jon would do a question and answer with Phil Griffin (photographer and director of the WWWB documentary), I really didn't imagine Jon would sit up there the WHOLE time just talking and answering questions, telling stories and such. But, that's exactly what he did. And it was fabulous.
For me, the evening really seemed like a continuation of the film's exploration -- but with live music and even more, perhaps, candid responses. Jon obviously has a comfort level and trust in terms of Phil ... though I do believe he was caught off guard a couple of times...

I will say that hearing Bon Jovi's music in such a formal (at least to me) setting was a bit ... well ... unsettling - only in that it felt strange to be in Tully (home of Chamber Music at Lincoln Center and such) clapping and singing along as we would at a show in another venue. I have seen and played with some of the greatest classical artists of our generation there - Yo-Yo Ma, Dawn Upshaw, Andre Watts, etc. so "letting go" was a bit of a challenge for me. LOL
(By the way, why do some girls find it necessary to constantly scream while Jon is on stage. Excitement is one thing, but didn't we come to hear him sing and to hear him talk? I'm just sayin' ... you miss a lot of great off-the-cuff moments when you're screaming like that. Perhaps that's why he keeps referring to fans as "maniacs" or "lunatics" ... Jon, please note ... we aren't all like that.)
So many memories from the evening ... one in particular was when Jon agreed to play Superman Tonight. He started the sentence "I am going to play something off the new record ..." and then quite a few people yelled out this song title. It wasn't what he had PLANNED on playing, but we were so happy agreed to do it ...
Of course, there were many funny anecdotes. Jon does seem to be into "firsts" lately - opening the new Giants, opening the 02, first rock band with a number one country hit, etc. etc. When Phil mentioned last night they had hit another "first" this past week (the first band to have three consecutive number one albums in Japan) Jon jokingly said "hey, but we're big in Japan!" Very funny moment - because as he said every band starting out always says "but we're big in Japan" ... but in the case of Bon Jovi they really ARE big in Japan. LOL
It would be great if at some point, this event was released on video ... would love to hear again about Jon going in to L.A. Reid's office to talk about going to Nashville. Very funny. You can tell by FM's wonderful pictures how open and expressive Jon was during the discussion, drinking coffee, wine, tea ... (he did joke about having to pee a lot ... no wonder, with everything he drinks! LOL)

I was pleased that he decided to open up the discussion to include questions from the audience (though by the end of that, I'm not sure HE was so pleased.) A constantly running theme throughout the Q&A was that he needs to perform more of the band's back catalog. After the third person said that, he finally mumbled "I get it ... no more Bad Name..." Hopefully, he understands its not that we DON'T want to hear the big hit singles (for any person with half a brain understands why they have to do all those songs at every show) but he needs to get over this misconception that people don't want to hear the other tracks.
Unfortunately, that belief was probably strengthened when the audience went crazy over his performance of Hallelujah ...
The thing is though ... he really does sing the %$#& out of that song. THAT'S what we are reacting to ... but it doesn't, in any way, negate how much we love the songs he and Richie write. Somewhere, somehow I truly hope he understands that.
Okay ... I better post this for now or I'll never get to work!
P.S. Those who follow me on Twitter already know this ... but my evening kicked off with a bang when I was headed to the subway from the office and ended up meeting Elton John (yes, Elton FRICKIN' John!) at Cipriani Wall Street. Holy crap!
Hello fellow Jovifans! Hope you are having a great day. I can't help but be in a good mood after Monday night's AmEx event at Alice Tully Hall. Geez! I don't even know where to begin.
Oh, wait ... yes, I do!
First and foremost - I need to publicly thank my beloved friend, the Fiction Mistress. It was because of her that I was able to attend this event ... and it was because of the lovely people at American Express that our seats were third row dead center. (And I'm not kidding - literally DEAD CENTER.) Luckily, FM is a great photographer because I tend to not take pictures during shows ... so be sure to thank her for the lovely images you see in this post. :-)
In any case, there are already so many articles and mini-reviews of the show floating around that I'm not sure what I can add that will be new to y'all.
So, instead ... I will just ramble a bit (as usual) ... until I have nothing left to say. LOL
I have been VERY blessed to attend many a Jovi event over the years - fan club trips, small concerts, big concerts, press events, Soul events, etc. - but I must say that this one rates way up near the top ... on par with the Actor's Studio taping, but different because it wasn't all the guys.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have a special fondness for Alice Tully Hall. Why, you ask? Well, the hall is attached to Juilliard and the school does many of its orchestral and chamber music concerts there. I have played on that stage more times than I can count - some performances memorable - others ... well ... not so much.
In fact, I had recently told Jeff Kazee (keyboard player for the Jukes and frequent "and friends" musician for HRH) about a concert I had done there during the Mozart bicentennial celebration several years ago. It was for bassoon and two basset-horns (which a member of the clarinet family.)
Jeff, being the consummate joker that he is, sent me a message late last week saying "hey, I just heard Jon Bon Jovi was going to use a bassoon and two basset HOUNDS!" ... lordy ... only Jeff!! (just in case - for my international friends ... see the links for each to understand the play on words.)
Anyway ... about Tully. There is actually a "quasi-secret" hallway that leads from Juilliard to backstage at Tully. All alumni of the school have access to the building pretty much at all times ... so I WILL admit ... it took everything in my power not to utilize that hallway Monday night. LOL
Okay ... enough about the venue and on with the show.
I really didn't have any expectations going in regarding the structure of the event. When I read the promotional material and it said that Jon would do a question and answer with Phil Griffin (photographer and director of the WWWB documentary), I really didn't imagine Jon would sit up there the WHOLE time just talking and answering questions, telling stories and such. But, that's exactly what he did. And it was fabulous.
For me, the evening really seemed like a continuation of the film's exploration -- but with live music and even more, perhaps, candid responses. Jon obviously has a comfort level and trust in terms of Phil ... though I do believe he was caught off guard a couple of times...
I will say that hearing Bon Jovi's music in such a formal (at least to me) setting was a bit ... well ... unsettling - only in that it felt strange to be in Tully (home of Chamber Music at Lincoln Center and such) clapping and singing along as we would at a show in another venue. I have seen and played with some of the greatest classical artists of our generation there - Yo-Yo Ma, Dawn Upshaw, Andre Watts, etc. so "letting go" was a bit of a challenge for me. LOL
(By the way, why do some girls find it necessary to constantly scream while Jon is on stage. Excitement is one thing, but didn't we come to hear him sing and to hear him talk? I'm just sayin' ... you miss a lot of great off-the-cuff moments when you're screaming like that. Perhaps that's why he keeps referring to fans as "maniacs" or "lunatics" ... Jon, please note ... we aren't all like that.)
So many memories from the evening ... one in particular was when Jon agreed to play Superman Tonight. He started the sentence "I am going to play something off the new record ..." and then quite a few people yelled out this song title. It wasn't what he had PLANNED on playing, but we were so happy agreed to do it ...
Of course, there were many funny anecdotes. Jon does seem to be into "firsts" lately - opening the new Giants, opening the 02, first rock band with a number one country hit, etc. etc. When Phil mentioned last night they had hit another "first" this past week (the first band to have three consecutive number one albums in Japan) Jon jokingly said "hey, but we're big in Japan!" Very funny moment - because as he said every band starting out always says "but we're big in Japan" ... but in the case of Bon Jovi they really ARE big in Japan. LOL
It would be great if at some point, this event was released on video ... would love to hear again about Jon going in to L.A. Reid's office to talk about going to Nashville. Very funny. You can tell by FM's wonderful pictures how open and expressive Jon was during the discussion, drinking coffee, wine, tea ... (he did joke about having to pee a lot ... no wonder, with everything he drinks! LOL)
I was pleased that he decided to open up the discussion to include questions from the audience (though by the end of that, I'm not sure HE was so pleased.) A constantly running theme throughout the Q&A was that he needs to perform more of the band's back catalog. After the third person said that, he finally mumbled "I get it ... no more Bad Name..." Hopefully, he understands its not that we DON'T want to hear the big hit singles (for any person with half a brain understands why they have to do all those songs at every show) but he needs to get over this misconception that people don't want to hear the other tracks.
The thing is though ... he really does sing the %$#& out of that song. THAT'S what we are reacting to ... but it doesn't, in any way, negate how much we love the songs he and Richie write. Somewhere, somehow I truly hope he understands that.
Okay ... I better post this for now or I'll never get to work!
P.S. Those who follow me on Twitter already know this ... but my evening kicked off with a bang when I was headed to the subway from the office and ended up meeting Elton John (yes, Elton FRICKIN' John!) at Cipriani Wall Street. Holy crap!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Blame Jon - Part 659
Well, this has been one helluva Joviweek, huh? I do love when a new record comes out ... all the new songs ... the new artwork ... the new tour ... the exhausting press schedule. I can't imagine how tired the guys are considering I'm absolutely beat from just the few events that I went to.
But, then again ... they didn't have to stand out in the cold and rain on Friday for FOUR hours ... LOL. (Blame Jon.)
So, yes ... I went ... I waited ... I conversed ... and I ... left. LOL
The wait really wasn't so bad because my friend J and I were having a good time chatting. She and I met ever-so-briefly at the Central Park concert. A fellow NYC dweller, we passed the time very quickly catching up on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of city life.
Finally at around 5:15pm they started letting small batches of us in. J and I were about 30 people back - right behind these sleazy professional autograph seekers who were trying to sell the blue wristbands to people for $150.
Unfortunately, despite my informing more than one security guard person of their shady dealings (including bringing in a whole posse of extra "workers" with various things from posters to the dolls -- I mean figurines -- to old records, etc.) ... the schmucks still got thru the line MORE THAN ONCE and got all the things they wanted signed. I must say that I was QUITE pissy about the whole thing - especially as Best Buy was so anal about all the rules and regulations surrounding this event. ARGH!!!
Ok ... rant over ... not gonna let that ruin the experience right? breathe ... breathe ... breathe ...
Anyway, back to the story.
So, though the whole thing went down pretty fast, I felt I did "okay" in terms of my time with the guys. I was able to speak to each one of them individually ...
First up was Tico, who didn't look up at first but when he did, immediately noticed my pendant. (I did that on purpose) and smiled and commented and I thanked him for creating it. (I LOOOVE the Rock Star Baby Line ... thank goodness my crazy German girls always buy things for me *muah*)
Then was David ... who I thanked specifically for writing "Memphis" ... its a great show and I plan to see it several more times.
Next was Richie ... who I thanked for his work with Memorial Sloan-Kettering. I have been in and out of that place for over a decade. What he's doing there is very personal for me. Not sure how much he heard -- he really is a bit deaf. That's okay ... his smile more than makes up for it.
Finally, it was Jon ... who I might have shocked a little because he was looking around and I said, quite firmly, "AND YOU, Jon Bon Jovi!" (at which point he DID look at me.)
I told Jon not to be sad about the Soul, that it was an amazing ride and in the end "Destination ArenaBowl: Mission Accomplished." (yes, I do believe he does remember that sign ... he should after all those times. Poor guy. LOL)
He said, "we did it, baby" and we fist bumped and that was it.
Four hours of waiting. Fourteen seconds with the whole band. Next time, I'd like the times reversed, please. Haha.
In any case, here are some more crappy photos from my cell phone. (By the way, the picture situation was horrendous and terribly and UNFAIRLY managed. Seems those at the front of the line were not allowed to take pictures, but those farther back were. So much for rules. ARGH!)
Anyway... the finished product.

Seriously, it was quite the scene ... the guys there, Bon Jovi music blaring over the speakers, the dvd playing on every screen on the wall ... ahhh ... that MUST be what heaven is like!

that's Jon ... really it is ... look for the light ... LOL

and a better picture from one of the fan club girls ...

In the end, would I do it again? Absofrickinlutely!
But, can't focus on that now ... gotta figure out what I'm going to wear to tomorrow's shindig at Alice Tully (more on my funny history in that venue later.) Fiction Mistress and I are going to have a fantastic time ... I can just feel it. :-)
But, then again ... they didn't have to stand out in the cold and rain on Friday for FOUR hours ... LOL. (Blame Jon.)
So, yes ... I went ... I waited ... I conversed ... and I ... left. LOL
The wait really wasn't so bad because my friend J and I were having a good time chatting. She and I met ever-so-briefly at the Central Park concert. A fellow NYC dweller, we passed the time very quickly catching up on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of city life.
Finally at around 5:15pm they started letting small batches of us in. J and I were about 30 people back - right behind these sleazy professional autograph seekers who were trying to sell the blue wristbands to people for $150.
Unfortunately, despite my informing more than one security guard person of their shady dealings (including bringing in a whole posse of extra "workers" with various things from posters to the dolls -- I mean figurines -- to old records, etc.) ... the schmucks still got thru the line MORE THAN ONCE and got all the things they wanted signed. I must say that I was QUITE pissy about the whole thing - especially as Best Buy was so anal about all the rules and regulations surrounding this event. ARGH!!!
Ok ... rant over ... not gonna let that ruin the experience right? breathe ... breathe ... breathe ...
Anyway, back to the story.
So, though the whole thing went down pretty fast, I felt I did "okay" in terms of my time with the guys. I was able to speak to each one of them individually ...
First up was Tico, who didn't look up at first but when he did, immediately noticed my pendant. (I did that on purpose) and smiled and commented and I thanked him for creating it. (I LOOOVE the Rock Star Baby Line ... thank goodness my crazy German girls always buy things for me *muah*)
Then was David ... who I thanked specifically for writing "Memphis" ... its a great show and I plan to see it several more times.
Next was Richie ... who I thanked for his work with Memorial Sloan-Kettering. I have been in and out of that place for over a decade. What he's doing there is very personal for me. Not sure how much he heard -- he really is a bit deaf. That's okay ... his smile more than makes up for it.
Finally, it was Jon ... who I might have shocked a little because he was looking around and I said, quite firmly, "AND YOU, Jon Bon Jovi!" (at which point he DID look at me.)
I told Jon not to be sad about the Soul, that it was an amazing ride and in the end "Destination ArenaBowl: Mission Accomplished." (yes, I do believe he does remember that sign ... he should after all those times. Poor guy. LOL)
He said, "we did it, baby" and we fist bumped and that was it.
Four hours of waiting. Fourteen seconds with the whole band. Next time, I'd like the times reversed, please. Haha.
In any case, here are some more crappy photos from my cell phone. (By the way, the picture situation was horrendous and terribly and UNFAIRLY managed. Seems those at the front of the line were not allowed to take pictures, but those farther back were. So much for rules. ARGH!)
Anyway... the finished product.
Seriously, it was quite the scene ... the guys there, Bon Jovi music blaring over the speakers, the dvd playing on every screen on the wall ... ahhh ... that MUST be what heaven is like!

that's Jon ... really it is ... look for the light ... LOL

and a better picture from one of the fan club girls ...

In the end, would I do it again? Absofrickinlutely!
But, can't focus on that now ... gotta figure out what I'm going to wear to tomorrow's shindig at Alice Tully (more on my funny history in that venue later.) Fiction Mistress and I are going to have a fantastic time ... I can just feel it. :-)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Blame Jon - Parts 657 and 658
Hello Jovifriends ... I told you it wouldn't be so long again 'til I updated the blog. ;-)
So, obviously a lot has been going on this week. With the release of the new record in the States (which I KNOW you all already have ... probably multiple copies ... LOL) the press blitz is WELL underway.
Blame Jon Bon Jovi - Tuesday
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I hemmed and hawed about traipsing down to Best Buy to pick up (yet another) copy of the album so I could get a wristband for the CD signing. I had just gotten finished working a BRUTAL number of hours for several days in a row and was simply exhausted.
I set my alarm for 6am Tuesday morning with the plan that I'd get to Best Buy by (not bye-bye ... LOL) 7am. Well, when my alarm went off my body said "noooooooooo." I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep.
Luckily, my friend L texted me at about 8:15am and basically said "where the hell are you?!" haha. Assuming that the line would be halfway to Idaho by then, I had thought "oh well, wasn't meant to be." So, L informed me that there were only about 30 people in line and to get my butt out of bed.
So ... off I went in a taxi ... whizzing by the theatre where Memphis is playing ...
arriving at the Best Buy around 8:45am at which time they nicely let us in, I bought my 3rd version of the album ("one Jovi and a wristband, please") ... paid ... chatted a few minutes with the nice security guy and was done. EASY EASY EASY!
Then, off I went to the office ... again ... exhausted ... not having slept enough.
But, yes ... FRIDAY ... CD signing ... WOO HOO! Will post review on Saturday. :-)
Blame Jon Bon Jovi - Wednesday
Okay ... this one he deserves a bit more.
Still recovering from a whole lot of work stress goin' on (seriously ... nobody needs to be texting me at 1:17am!) I wasn't sure my body could handle getting up at the crack of "way-before-dawn" to go to see the boys play on the Today Show.
As you can see from this picture, New York actually DOES sleep (and as I found out at 4am ... most of them were sleeping on the subway ...)
In any case, got there around 4:30 and immediately spotted my friend L. Eventually we were let in -- thank you R for making sure I got a good spot ;-) -- and stood ... and stood ... and stood.
I must say that I met SEVERAL nice people around me (p.s. if anyone has an extra set of the smirk pins - the four colored ones - please e-mail me at Obviously as this was Veteran's Day, the majority of those in the "special" sections were military and I really enjoyed meeting and laughing and joking with these people who serve our country EVERY day.
There were a lot of families there - the little girl in front of me was particularly cute. She had a Bon Jovi sign with a really big crab on it (I withheld any comments about how it may be reflective of the lead singer sometimes ... LOL.) Why a crab? Well, because she knows Bon Jovi because of the theme from "Deadliest Catch." She even had her own words to Wanted (steamed or deep fried) ... all about this poor crab being served up at a restaurant. Haha. She was QUITE amusing.
In any case, here are some of my crappy cell phone pictures ...

Seriously ... I need to get a new camera ... but I keep using the money to buy more concert tickets. AND ... I really hate to miss any moment of the show because my face is behind a camera. Well, there's pics up all over the internet ...
They did a couple of soundchecks - without Jon (it was like Bon Jovi karaoke - woo hoo!) - then with Jon - then some more levels testing. Everyone seemed to be in a FANTASTIC mood (maybe it was all the caffeine they had probably just consumed LOL.) But, it was a great time.
Obviously, most of the crowd there really didn't know the words to the songs too much ... except maniac me singing along doing all the hand gestures (THE NICE ONES!) which got me some nods from the boys. Ahhhhh ...
As is often the case, Tico gave his sticks to a nearby audience member - in this case a really nice serviceman and his family. He didn't want to be included in the picture but was gracious enough to let me get a shot.

After they were done, L and I stopped by Starbucks (if you read my blog on any kind of regular basis, you know my obsession with coffee) sitting inside the building, downstairs by the ice rink in Rockefeller Center. Total side note: I have a very special connection to that building ... its where I made the call to Juilliard finding out I had been accepted. That call changed my whole life. *sniffle sniffle*
ANYWAY ... back to Bon Jovi. Next up, besides the CD signing on Friday is the AmEx private show at Alice Tully on Monday. I'm super-excited that I will be attending with FM. Tully is another very special place for me as I've played there a zillion (okay ... maybe only a million) times. Its a fabulous venue (and acoustically the best one in Lincoln Center I think, other than the Juilliard Theatre.) It will be an AWESOME night!
Okay ... I have GOT to get some sleep. Will write again soon ...
Ciao ciao for now.
So, obviously a lot has been going on this week. With the release of the new record in the States (which I KNOW you all already have ... probably multiple copies ... LOL) the press blitz is WELL underway.
Blame Jon Bon Jovi - Tuesday
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I hemmed and hawed about traipsing down to Best Buy to pick up (yet another) copy of the album so I could get a wristband for the CD signing. I had just gotten finished working a BRUTAL number of hours for several days in a row and was simply exhausted.
I set my alarm for 6am Tuesday morning with the plan that I'd get to Best Buy by (not bye-bye ... LOL) 7am. Well, when my alarm went off my body said "noooooooooo." I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep.
Luckily, my friend L texted me at about 8:15am and basically said "where the hell are you?!" haha. Assuming that the line would be halfway to Idaho by then, I had thought "oh well, wasn't meant to be." So, L informed me that there were only about 30 people in line and to get my butt out of bed.

arriving at the Best Buy around 8:45am at which time they nicely let us in, I bought my 3rd version of the album ("one Jovi and a wristband, please") ... paid ... chatted a few minutes with the nice security guy and was done. EASY EASY EASY!
Then, off I went to the office ... again ... exhausted ... not having slept enough.
But, yes ... FRIDAY ... CD signing ... WOO HOO! Will post review on Saturday. :-)
Blame Jon Bon Jovi - Wednesday
Okay ... this one he deserves a bit more.
Still recovering from a whole lot of work stress goin' on (seriously ... nobody needs to be texting me at 1:17am!) I wasn't sure my body could handle getting up at the crack of "way-before-dawn" to go to see the boys play on the Today Show.
As you can see from this picture, New York actually DOES sleep (and as I found out at 4am ... most of them were sleeping on the subway ...)

In any case, got there around 4:30 and immediately spotted my friend L. Eventually we were let in -- thank you R for making sure I got a good spot ;-) -- and stood ... and stood ... and stood.
I must say that I met SEVERAL nice people around me (p.s. if anyone has an extra set of the smirk pins - the four colored ones - please e-mail me at Obviously as this was Veteran's Day, the majority of those in the "special" sections were military and I really enjoyed meeting and laughing and joking with these people who serve our country EVERY day.
There were a lot of families there - the little girl in front of me was particularly cute. She had a Bon Jovi sign with a really big crab on it (I withheld any comments about how it may be reflective of the lead singer sometimes ... LOL.) Why a crab? Well, because she knows Bon Jovi because of the theme from "Deadliest Catch." She even had her own words to Wanted (steamed or deep fried) ... all about this poor crab being served up at a restaurant. Haha. She was QUITE amusing.
In any case, here are some of my crappy cell phone pictures ...

Seriously ... I need to get a new camera ... but I keep using the money to buy more concert tickets. AND ... I really hate to miss any moment of the show because my face is behind a camera. Well, there's pics up all over the internet ...
They did a couple of soundchecks - without Jon (it was like Bon Jovi karaoke - woo hoo!) - then with Jon - then some more levels testing. Everyone seemed to be in a FANTASTIC mood (maybe it was all the caffeine they had probably just consumed LOL.) But, it was a great time.
Obviously, most of the crowd there really didn't know the words to the songs too much ... except maniac me singing along doing all the hand gestures (THE NICE ONES!) which got me some nods from the boys. Ahhhhh ...
As is often the case, Tico gave his sticks to a nearby audience member - in this case a really nice serviceman and his family. He didn't want to be included in the picture but was gracious enough to let me get a shot.

After they were done, L and I stopped by Starbucks (if you read my blog on any kind of regular basis, you know my obsession with coffee) sitting inside the building, downstairs by the ice rink in Rockefeller Center. Total side note: I have a very special connection to that building ... its where I made the call to Juilliard finding out I had been accepted. That call changed my whole life. *sniffle sniffle*
ANYWAY ... back to Bon Jovi. Next up, besides the CD signing on Friday is the AmEx private show at Alice Tully on Monday. I'm super-excited that I will be attending with FM. Tully is another very special place for me as I've played there a zillion (okay ... maybe only a million) times. Its a fabulous venue (and acoustically the best one in Lincoln Center I think, other than the Juilliard Theatre.) It will be an AWESOME night!
Okay ... I have GOT to get some sleep. Will write again soon ...
Ciao ciao for now.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Just When I Thought I Was Over It ...
Greetings Jovinuts! Sorry its been so long. Those of you who know me in RL (real life) are aware that I have been working RIDICULOUS hours as of late ... and as such ... that's why the blog's been a bit quiet.
But, hopefully that will change soon!
In any case, a few quick things ...
1. I was able to get a wristband for the CD signing in NYC on Friday -- so be sure to tune in on Saturday morning for a recap of that.
2. I will be at the band's performance tomorrow morning on the Today Show. I will Twitter from the Plaza ... LOL.
3. I'm loving watching the dvd of the documentary over and over again. Seeing the scenes of Jon Bon Jovi watching the Soul win the Conference Championship (the first game I missed in FIVE years - due to the Central Park concert) was definitely bittersweet. Just when I thought I had dealt with the loss of the Soul it all came back to me. :-(
In the end, I am just DAMN honored to have had the opportunity to serve on the board and help develop the Band & Drumline. Those are memories that I will take with me forever.

And I just absolutely LOVE this image of Jon and PK!

(fyi - the section with the football footage is in the "deleted scenes" ... which my mom will FLIP over because it also has a nice bit on Tico hehe)
Okay, I need to get back to work ... but will try to drop in later tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, does anybody need to learn about special tax obligation bonds? LOL
But, hopefully that will change soon!
In any case, a few quick things ...
1. I was able to get a wristband for the CD signing in NYC on Friday -- so be sure to tune in on Saturday morning for a recap of that.
2. I will be at the band's performance tomorrow morning on the Today Show. I will Twitter from the Plaza ... LOL.
3. I'm loving watching the dvd of the documentary over and over again. Seeing the scenes of Jon Bon Jovi watching the Soul win the Conference Championship (the first game I missed in FIVE years - due to the Central Park concert) was definitely bittersweet. Just when I thought I had dealt with the loss of the Soul it all came back to me. :-(
In the end, I am just DAMN honored to have had the opportunity to serve on the board and help develop the Band & Drumline. Those are memories that I will take with me forever.

And I just absolutely LOVE this image of Jon and PK!

(fyi - the section with the football footage is in the "deleted scenes" ... which my mom will FLIP over because it also has a nice bit on Tico hehe)
Okay, I need to get back to work ... but will try to drop in later tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, does anybody need to learn about special tax obligation bonds? LOL
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Boys in London
So, not sure what Jon Bon Jovi was thinking jumping into the chat last night ... he is one BRAVE soul! (for those who may not have heard, HRH decided to stop by the fan club chat room at Backstage for a few minutes ... and he didn't break the internet this time! (that's a story from long ago ...) LOL)
Anyway, he mentioned they were in London doing press, etc. Here is a quick clip of them on the The X Factor. Did the lighting effects make anyone else a bit dizzy? Lordy! Imagine that after a couple of glasses of wine ... ugh.
And here is a quick interview on Sky News ...
Anyway, he mentioned they were in London doing press, etc. Here is a quick clip of them on the The X Factor. Did the lighting effects make anyone else a bit dizzy? Lordy! Imagine that after a couple of glasses of wine ... ugh.
And here is a quick interview on Sky News ...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
A Great EPK for The Circle
Jon Bon Jovi talks about the new record ... I am enjoying this new EPK (electronic press kit.)
" food, fast cars, big dollars, bigger boats, bigger boobs ..." Now THAT'S a line to remember. LOL
AND ... the drums DO sound very lyrical on this new record ... fantastic!
Also, here's the track list and some release information on the MSG DVD (thanks R!)
" food, fast cars, big dollars, bigger boats, bigger boobs ..." Now THAT'S a line to remember. LOL
AND ... the drums DO sound very lyrical on this new record ... fantastic!
Also, here's the track list and some release information on the MSG DVD (thanks R!)

Giants, Jukes and Other Random Things
Greetings from The Big Apple where everyone is in World Series mode. GO YANKEES!!
Sorry I have been a bit slow in posting ... life has just been a bit chaotic as of late.
I was able to get Circleside tickets for all three nights but I swear that was the most stressful fan club ticket buying experience in history. I know Matt (Bongiovi) wasn't too thrilled with how the first pre-sale went down either ... so I'm suspecting there will be some changes in the future.
When we got there, the line wasn't too bad ... though entry (several hours later) was a complete cluster&*$% with people nearly getting trampled.
Here are some pictures courtesy of the Fiction Mistress ...
Looking good there, Jonny (I gotta say that it was damn bright out ... I actually got sunburn on my face ... but we lucked out completely in terms of weather)

Okay, Mr. Bon Jovi ... you were only doing one new song ... do you really not know the words yet? LOL

And, yes, Jon ... its us ... AGAIN! haha

It was so great to see so many of our fellow Jovinuts ... it was a wonderful pre-party for the tour. Looking forward to seeing y'all again on the road!
And, that was just the kick-off to a great weekend which also included a fantastic show by Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes on Saturday night at BB King's. I was so happy to be able to share FM's first Jukes show experience with her.
As usual, I staked out my spot between Jeff Kazee and John Conte ... seriously, I love those guys.
As an aside, got a great text from my crazy German girls before and after the Jukes first show in Europe who brought a sign with greetings from me for Jeff ... haha. Cracks me up! Sorry that Bobby isn't there girls ... but the new guitar guy is GREAT ... and cute too! LOL
Jeff tweeted this morning that there was a sign outside the dressing room that said "the Asbury Dukes" ... LOL ... like I told him, at least it was a "D" and not a "P" ...
In any case, it was a great setlist Saturday night - not all Jukes tunes this time - and FM got some great pictures (as usual.)
I just love this picture of Southside ...

Here's a great one of Neal Pawley ...

and ... of course ... gotta post one of my buddy Jeff ...

Alright ... I better go for now.
I promise it won't be so long between posts. With the new record coming out (though, like many of you, I'm already BLASTING it non-stop LOL) ... and the book ... and more concerts ... never a dull moment in Joviworld.
ALSO! We haven't done a poll for quite some time have we? I'd better remedy that!
Until later, my friends ...
Be well. Be Yourself ... and remember ... LOVE'S THE ONLY RULE!
P.S. Remember how they turned off internet access at my office? Well, I finally acquiesced and got a Blackberry ... and after one day with this darn thing, I'm already thinking "how did I ever live without this?!" ROFL
Sorry I have been a bit slow in posting ... life has just been a bit chaotic as of late.
Hmm ... where do I begin?
First off, who all got tickets for the opening of the new Giants Stadium (ooops ... I mean the Meadowlands Stadium ... yeah, right, whatever haha)?
I was able to get Circleside tickets for all three nights but I swear that was the most stressful fan club ticket buying experience in history. I know Matt (Bongiovi) wasn't too thrilled with how the first pre-sale went down either ... so I'm suspecting there will be some changes in the future.
Speaking of the opening of Giants (sorry, but it will ALWAYS be Giants Stadium to me!) ... hope you all were able to catch the webcast of the "not-so-secret show." Thanks for the e-mails and texts from those of you who saw me during Prayer ... what a hoot! (Good thing I had actually told my office where I would be ... though they all would have guessed anyway when the announcement hit the newswires.)
It was a great morning, indeed ... though a bit on the early side for this night owl. Fiction Mistress and I got up at about 5am and headed to Penn Station for the train to Jersey. (A big thanks to JerzyJovi for picking us up and for bringing me coffee!! Y'all know how much I LOVE my coffee. LOL)
When we got there, the line wasn't too bad ... though entry (several hours later) was a complete cluster&*$% with people nearly getting trampled.
Nonetheless, we were able to get pretty decent spots in like the third row back between Jon and Hugh. The show was short but really fantastic. Having heard the acoustic version of "We Weren't Born to Follow" at the Actor's Studio and then hearing the amped up version Thursday morning was awesome - this is going to rock the arena for sure.
Here are some pictures courtesy of the Fiction Mistress ...
Looking good there, Jonny (I gotta say that it was damn bright out ... I actually got sunburn on my face ... but we lucked out completely in terms of weather)

Okay, Mr. Bon Jovi ... you were only doing one new song ... do you really not know the words yet? LOL

And, yes, Jon ... its us ... AGAIN! haha

It was so great to see so many of our fellow Jovinuts ... it was a wonderful pre-party for the tour. Looking forward to seeing y'all again on the road!
And, that was just the kick-off to a great weekend which also included a fantastic show by Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes on Saturday night at BB King's. I was so happy to be able to share FM's first Jukes show experience with her.
As usual, I staked out my spot between Jeff Kazee and John Conte ... seriously, I love those guys.
As an aside, got a great text from my crazy German girls before and after the Jukes first show in Europe who brought a sign with greetings from me for Jeff ... haha. Cracks me up! Sorry that Bobby isn't there girls ... but the new guitar guy is GREAT ... and cute too! LOL
Jeff tweeted this morning that there was a sign outside the dressing room that said "the Asbury Dukes" ... LOL ... like I told him, at least it was a "D" and not a "P" ...
In any case, it was a great setlist Saturday night - not all Jukes tunes this time - and FM got some great pictures (as usual.)
I just love this picture of Southside ...

Here's a great one of Neal Pawley ...
and ... of course ... gotta post one of my buddy Jeff ...
Alright ... I better go for now.
I promise it won't be so long between posts. With the new record coming out (though, like many of you, I'm already BLASTING it non-stop LOL) ... and the book ... and more concerts ... never a dull moment in Joviworld.
ALSO! We haven't done a poll for quite some time have we? I'd better remedy that!
Until later, my friends ...
Be well. Be Yourself ... and remember ... LOVE'S THE ONLY RULE!
P.S. Remember how they turned off internet access at my office? Well, I finally acquiesced and got a Blackberry ... and after one day with this darn thing, I'm already thinking "how did I ever live without this?!" ROFL
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
STILL Priceless (Actor's Studio Review ... part 2)
Okay ... the coffee has now begun to kick in (which is good because I need to work hard today, since I'm calling in sick *cough* *cough* tomorrow for the "secret show" that now EVERYBODY is attending ... LOL)
Alright ... so, back to our story ...
Some really funny moments stick with me which I thought I'd share with you -- cuz you never know what is ACTUALLY going to make it onto the broadcast.
So, in no particular order ...
-- Well, right off the bat ... when James Lipton asked Jon "so where were you born?" ... and Jon Bon Jovi promptly replied, not skipping a beat! ... "in a manger." (that's when I knew that Jon was in a pretty good mood.)
--They talked about all being born in the same hospital by the same doctor ... David was hysterical saying (and I paraphrase) yep ... we each came out and the doctor slapped us on the ass one at a time
(slap) "Bon Jovi" ...
(slap) "Bon Jovi" ...
(slap) "Bon Jovi" ...
one of us said "yes" and the other two of us said "who the *&%$ is that?!"
-- You know that James Lipton always closes with the same questions to all his guests (and EACH of the guys did respond) ... some of the more memorable:
Lipton: What turns you on?
Richie: Women
Lipton: What turns you off?
Richie: Women
Lipton: What is your favorite word?
Jon: Yes
Lipton: What is your least favorite word?
Jon: Recoupable (this is an often thrown-around word in the recording industry ... when the record label is looking for the artist to do things simply to make up for the cost the company had in promoting the record. I thought it was funny Jon said that considering L.A. Reid was in the audience...LOL)
Side Note: I must say that I was surprised the guys (with the exception of Jon) didn't really seem prepared for "The Ten Questions." Jon mentioned that he has watched the show for a long time and seemed very humbled by appearing on it. He did interface and relate very well with the students during the Q&A section at the end of the evening.
-- When they were talking about writing versus recording and Richie spoke about how they still very much write in the same way they always have -- two acoustics and an old cassette tape recorder between them -- closing with the idea that no matter how much you "produce" a song once you're in the studio, if its not a good song, its just not a good song ... "You can't polish bullshit."
Side Note: Also, a funny moment when Richie said that they now record it on the iPhone and Jon turned to the audience and simply said with a smirk "There's an app for that!" ... it was so funny considering we all know how technologically challenged Jon says he is (....hmm....I don't quite believe he is that stone age.)
-- Also great moments of Jon talking about playing in a marching band (at which point he looks at the audience and says "sexiest rockstar huh?") and Richie talking about playing accordion. Tico changed his name to Cosmo Jones during his period of playing jazz ... did y'all know that?
-- They really went back in time and talked about the band's whole career. They passed over 7800 Fahrenheit extremely quickly ... as Jon said "you have your whole life to write the first record and then you have like 3 months to write your second one" ... and that he should have known it was gonna be bad when they got a flat tire on the Turnpike on the way to Philadelphia to record it. When asked about how SWW got its name, Jon hemmed and hawed for quite some time and eventually quickly said about the strip clubs in Vancouver.
-- James Lipton mentioned that he and Jon met for the first time ever backstage at the Concert for New York. Lipton was so moved by that performance of Living on a Prayer that he asked the band to play it so that the audience "could remember it for the rest of their lives" just like he does. Very nice.
-- Great moment when Jon stopped after the opening of Blaze of Glory and said "I'm taking this down a step" ... good idea. When they were younger they wrote songs in much higher keys and over the years, you just need to take it down a step or step-and-a-half sometimes. In the end, he still didn't like the performance of the song very much and I wonder if it will make it onto the broadcast at all.
-- We did get Who Says twice due to audio problems ... which was fine with all of us because the first time, we were a nice little studio audience and bopped our heads as they sang. But, the second time we all just threw caution to the wind and clapped and sang (and yes, JerzyJovi and I did raise our hands a bit on the "its alright" part LOL)
Side Note: Most of the BJ gang were there - Obie, Mike Rew, Lumpy, PK, etc. I must say that Obie is looking so very thin ... Jon, please let him out of the studio and give him some pasta!
Okay, I really don't want to give away any more than that because hopefully you'll see a lot in the show. It was a long evening ... and Jonny (and the rest of us) were fading a bit at the end. Poor guy had been up since 5:30 going to a build in Newark. (The man is simply amazing. Period.)
James Lipton was right ... it is a night I will NEVER forget.
P.S. Oh, right...and after the show Richie stayed on stage for a couple of minutes and a few of us were able to go up and shake his hand and say a few words. I gotta say, I'm a Jonny girl thru-and-thru but, damn, Richie is looking happy and healthy and ... well ... HOT!
P.S.2. Maybe I'll do a post-broadcast blog post to share more tidbits of things you did/did not see in the final version.
P.S.3. If you didn't read part 1, look for the post earlier today ... :-)
Alright ... so, back to our story ...
Some really funny moments stick with me which I thought I'd share with you -- cuz you never know what is ACTUALLY going to make it onto the broadcast.
So, in no particular order ...
-- Well, right off the bat ... when James Lipton asked Jon "so where were you born?" ... and Jon Bon Jovi promptly replied, not skipping a beat! ... "in a manger." (that's when I knew that Jon was in a pretty good mood.)
--They talked about all being born in the same hospital by the same doctor ... David was hysterical saying (and I paraphrase) yep ... we each came out and the doctor slapped us on the ass one at a time
(slap) "Bon Jovi" ...
(slap) "Bon Jovi" ...
(slap) "Bon Jovi" ...
one of us said "yes" and the other two of us said "who the *&%$ is that?!"
-- You know that James Lipton always closes with the same questions to all his guests (and EACH of the guys did respond) ... some of the more memorable:
Lipton: What turns you on?
Richie: Women
Lipton: What turns you off?
Richie: Women
Lipton: What is your favorite word?
Jon: Yes
Lipton: What is your least favorite word?
Jon: Recoupable (this is an often thrown-around word in the recording industry ... when the record label is looking for the artist to do things simply to make up for the cost the company had in promoting the record. I thought it was funny Jon said that considering L.A. Reid was in the audience...LOL)
Side Note: I must say that I was surprised the guys (with the exception of Jon) didn't really seem prepared for "The Ten Questions." Jon mentioned that he has watched the show for a long time and seemed very humbled by appearing on it. He did interface and relate very well with the students during the Q&A section at the end of the evening.
-- When they were talking about writing versus recording and Richie spoke about how they still very much write in the same way they always have -- two acoustics and an old cassette tape recorder between them -- closing with the idea that no matter how much you "produce" a song once you're in the studio, if its not a good song, its just not a good song ... "You can't polish bullshit."
Side Note: Also, a funny moment when Richie said that they now record it on the iPhone and Jon turned to the audience and simply said with a smirk "There's an app for that!" ... it was so funny considering we all know how technologically challenged Jon says he is (....hmm....I don't quite believe he is that stone age.)
-- Also great moments of Jon talking about playing in a marching band (at which point he looks at the audience and says "sexiest rockstar huh?") and Richie talking about playing accordion. Tico changed his name to Cosmo Jones during his period of playing jazz ... did y'all know that?
-- They really went back in time and talked about the band's whole career. They passed over 7800 Fahrenheit extremely quickly ... as Jon said "you have your whole life to write the first record and then you have like 3 months to write your second one" ... and that he should have known it was gonna be bad when they got a flat tire on the Turnpike on the way to Philadelphia to record it. When asked about how SWW got its name, Jon hemmed and hawed for quite some time and eventually quickly said about the strip clubs in Vancouver.
-- James Lipton mentioned that he and Jon met for the first time ever backstage at the Concert for New York. Lipton was so moved by that performance of Living on a Prayer that he asked the band to play it so that the audience "could remember it for the rest of their lives" just like he does. Very nice.
-- Great moment when Jon stopped after the opening of Blaze of Glory and said "I'm taking this down a step" ... good idea. When they were younger they wrote songs in much higher keys and over the years, you just need to take it down a step or step-and-a-half sometimes. In the end, he still didn't like the performance of the song very much and I wonder if it will make it onto the broadcast at all.
-- We did get Who Says twice due to audio problems ... which was fine with all of us because the first time, we were a nice little studio audience and bopped our heads as they sang. But, the second time we all just threw caution to the wind and clapped and sang (and yes, JerzyJovi and I did raise our hands a bit on the "its alright" part LOL)
Side Note: Most of the BJ gang were there - Obie, Mike Rew, Lumpy, PK, etc. I must say that Obie is looking so very thin ... Jon, please let him out of the studio and give him some pasta!
Okay, I really don't want to give away any more than that because hopefully you'll see a lot in the show. It was a long evening ... and Jonny (and the rest of us) were fading a bit at the end. Poor guy had been up since 5:30 going to a build in Newark. (The man is simply amazing. Period.)
James Lipton was right ... it is a night I will NEVER forget.
P.S. Oh, right...and after the show Richie stayed on stage for a couple of minutes and a few of us were able to go up and shake his hand and say a few words. I gotta say, I'm a Jonny girl thru-and-thru but, damn, Richie is looking happy and healthy and ... well ... HOT!
P.S.2. Maybe I'll do a post-broadcast blog post to share more tidbits of things you did/did not see in the final version.
P.S.3. If you didn't read part 1, look for the post earlier today ... :-)
Absolutely PRICELESS
Last Night. Inside the Actor's Studio taping. Priceless. That's all I will say.
Ok, so that's not ALL I will say. haha
But, I only got 4 hours of sleep so this will be part 1 as my nose is just about to hit the keyboard. Splat.
Seriously, I don't know where to begin! When I got into the hall (first row balcony - woo hoo unobstructed view) the first thing I saw was Richie's doubleneck guitar. THAT is when I knew this could be a special night. Little did I know it would just get better and better and better.
First off, this was not Inside the Actor's Studio with Jon Bon Jovi as it was billed - it was ITAS with BON JOVI, THE BAND. Yes, 4 hours of Jon, Richie, David and Tico talking, playing, joking, laughing, telling stories. It was a very open, honest, spontaneous evening. I have a feeling that at a few points James Lipton didn't know what to do with these 4 brothers. LOL. It was very different than his usual one-on-one.
As for the music part - acoustic performances of songs were interspersed throughout the night. They opened with We Weren't Born to Follow - which was perhaps one of the biggest highlights of the evening for me. Acoustically, the song is absolutely stunning. My friend JerzyJovi and just sat there in awe. After the song, you simply couldn't even speak. Gorgeous. Uplifting. Personal. Cuts to your core type of performance.
The other songs played were Prayer (more on that in part 2 of the review ... later ... when I have had some coffee ...), Wanted, Blaze of Glory and Who Says (twice ... also, more on that later.)
I think having them play throughout the interview really helped put all the members at ease a bit ... though, admittedly, the stop and start is hard as a performer. You can tell how Jon just really feels more comfortable when his guitar is in his hands. I think that's one of the great things about that instrument (versus, say me and the bassoon) ... you can just pick it up and its ready to go (more or less.)
Okay, stay tuned for more ... like little comments I jotted down throughout the evening, getting to meet Richie after the show and some of the answers to "The 10 Questions" James Lipton always asks (Richie was particularly funny with those!)
Ok, so that's not ALL I will say. haha
But, I only got 4 hours of sleep so this will be part 1 as my nose is just about to hit the keyboard. Splat.
Seriously, I don't know where to begin! When I got into the hall (first row balcony - woo hoo unobstructed view) the first thing I saw was Richie's doubleneck guitar. THAT is when I knew this could be a special night. Little did I know it would just get better and better and better.
First off, this was not Inside the Actor's Studio with Jon Bon Jovi as it was billed - it was ITAS with BON JOVI, THE BAND. Yes, 4 hours of Jon, Richie, David and Tico talking, playing, joking, laughing, telling stories. It was a very open, honest, spontaneous evening. I have a feeling that at a few points James Lipton didn't know what to do with these 4 brothers. LOL. It was very different than his usual one-on-one.
As for the music part - acoustic performances of songs were interspersed throughout the night. They opened with We Weren't Born to Follow - which was perhaps one of the biggest highlights of the evening for me. Acoustically, the song is absolutely stunning. My friend JerzyJovi and just sat there in awe. After the song, you simply couldn't even speak. Gorgeous. Uplifting. Personal. Cuts to your core type of performance.
The other songs played were Prayer (more on that in part 2 of the review ... later ... when I have had some coffee ...), Wanted, Blaze of Glory and Who Says (twice ... also, more on that later.)
I think having them play throughout the interview really helped put all the members at ease a bit ... though, admittedly, the stop and start is hard as a performer. You can tell how Jon just really feels more comfortable when his guitar is in his hands. I think that's one of the great things about that instrument (versus, say me and the bassoon) ... you can just pick it up and its ready to go (more or less.)
Okay, stay tuned for more ... like little comments I jotted down throughout the evening, getting to meet Richie after the show and some of the answers to "The 10 Questions" James Lipton always asks (Richie was particularly funny with those!)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
WPLJ Private Show ... NEXT WEEK
Jon and the boys will be doing a show for WPLJ listeners next week ... details to be released tomorrow (according to the on-air guys ... though website says Monday.) I usually SUCK getting tickets to these things ... but I'm gonna damn well give it my best shot!

from WPLJ website
Bon Jovi wants to say thank you to their incredible fans, so next Thursday (10/22/09) they're doing a private concert for 'PLJ listeners ONLY!!
Where's it gonna be?? We ain't telling!
BUT, what we can tell you is that we're doing a 72 hour ticket blitz and blowing out HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of FREE Bon Jovi tickets around the clock.
Bon Jovi's new CD "The Circle" hits stores on November 10th.
Listen to Scott & Todd, Monday morning (10/19/09) from 6am-10am for further details, including registration info!

from WPLJ website
Bon Jovi wants to say thank you to their incredible fans, so next Thursday (10/22/09) they're doing a private concert for 'PLJ listeners ONLY!!
Where's it gonna be?? We ain't telling!
BUT, what we can tell you is that we're doing a 72 hour ticket blitz and blowing out HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of FREE Bon Jovi tickets around the clock.
Bon Jovi's new CD "The Circle" hits stores on November 10th.
Listen to Scott & Todd, Monday morning (10/19/09) from 6am-10am for further details, including registration info!
And the chaos continues ...
As everyone already knows, HRH appeared on the Today Show this morning to announce about the upcoming performance on the plaza and their/his (not really sure which ...) "artist-in-residence" at NBC. If, by chance, you missed it ... here's the clip ...
This is always an exciting time in the Joviworld - waiting for the release of the record, little teases from the fan club (Matt's note yesterday did crack me up), all the guessing/arguments/assumptions/silliness about potential tour dates/cities/setlists, etc. I sometimes wonder if Jon Bon Jovi just sits back and laughs at it all.
But, the band's appearance on the Today Show is always special. It is, however, one of those "just be happy you're there" types of events. Regardless of how early you get there, how organized we all try to be, things happen. Security plays favorites. People get nasty. Last time, it was a MESS! I'm going to try very hard not get myself all worked up about the legions of people who will show up at the last minute and end up in front of me. Perhaps I should bring a couple bottles of those wines that were featured after HRH's segment this morning. LOL
In any case, yes I'll be there. And luckily, a friend of mine will be in from out West and we'll camp out together.
Okay ... gotta go for now. Work is a callin' ...
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is always an exciting time in the Joviworld - waiting for the release of the record, little teases from the fan club (Matt's note yesterday did crack me up), all the guessing/arguments/assumptions/silliness about potential tour dates/cities/setlists, etc. I sometimes wonder if Jon Bon Jovi just sits back and laughs at it all.
But, the band's appearance on the Today Show is always special. It is, however, one of those "just be happy you're there" types of events. Regardless of how early you get there, how organized we all try to be, things happen. Security plays favorites. People get nasty. Last time, it was a MESS! I'm going to try very hard not get myself all worked up about the legions of people who will show up at the last minute and end up in front of me. Perhaps I should bring a couple bottles of those wines that were featured after HRH's segment this morning. LOL
In any case, yes I'll be there. And luckily, a friend of mine will be in from out West and we'll camp out together.
Okay ... gotta go for now. Work is a callin' ...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
All About Bruce ...
Happy Saturday y'all ... hope you are having a good weekend thus far. Me? How am I? Well, I'm BARELY able to move. LOL ... seriously! I need to get in better shape before the Jovitour cuz after two back-to-back nights with Bruce and the E Street Band, I feel like I'm about 185 years old! How on earth am I going to make it thru 25-30 Jovishows ... ayyyy!
This was, of course, the final shows at our beloved Giants Stadium. I must say I got a little misty, especially last night, thinking about all the amazing shows I've been to there ... all the Jovi ones, as well as other artists. If you haven't heard it yet, here's the song Bruce wrote about the closing of the stadium ... yes, its awful to think that all our memories and victories and such will soon be a big parking lot. But, as Jon Bon Jovi would say "welcome to the next chapter" ...
They had some great "wrecking ball" t-shirts but I couldn't imagine wearing that across my chest. If you follow me on Twitter, you do know that I did actually buy a t-shirt ... so ... that makes 100 Bon Jovi t-shirts and ONE Bruce shirt. LOL
Anyway, there were so many amazing moments in the last two nights I don't even know where to start! The first night I was in the pit ... which was, as always, an incredible place to see a show. Certainly having the opportunity to help Bruce back to the stage was an unexpected treat! :-)
(here's a clip from a previous night of the great crowd-surfing moment)
Before all of you start thinking, oh HRH should do that! Just think about it. I don't think he'd ever get back to the stage. His clothes would be stripped off ... he would be grabbed everywhere (thank goodness he already has four kids) ... and he would be dropped "accidentally on purpose" and held captive by thousands of screaming women. Hmm ... perhaps just stick to walking thru the crowd, Jonny.
The Thursday show was "Born to Run" in its entirety ... and then last night was "Born in the U.S.A." from start to finish. I must say that hearing 60,000 people scream TRAMPS LIKE US is an almost amusing thing in itself. I loved hearing both those records - every track done by the original musicians. It was definitely a piece of history.
There were some extraordinary moments - a few that stand out are The Rising (on both nights), a smokin' version of Because the Night Belongs to Lovers, Human Touch with Patti (damn! I wish I could rock in leather pants like her ... one super cool chick), 4th of July, Asbury Park (better know as Sandy) and Jungleland (Thursday night.)
The man certainly shows that turning 60 obviously isn't a bad thing. He was non-stop action for 3+ hours (ok ... that's one thing that HRH could do ... c'mon Jonny, you're more than a decade younger ... you can still do 3 hour shows! hehe)
No, there were no "special guests" as was speculated upon endlessly by radio stations in NYC yesterday. In a way, I really wish they wouldn't do that because what happens is people end up getting disappointed over what DIDN'T happen rather than what DID.
And some people will always find something to complain about. I heard a lot of Bruce fans moaning about him closing with "Jersey Girl" ... which I LOVED! Oh, and by the way, why do Bruce fans talk so negatively about Bon Jovi and yet Bon Jovi fans - even if they don't care for Bruce - aren't NEARLY as nasty?! Hmmm...
But, in the end, the shows were FANTASTIC! They are two nights I will never forget ... along with all the other great nights in that great stadium. (Oh, and in good Giants Stadium fashion, as soon as the concert ended ... the skies opened up and it POURED ... guess the angels were crying.)
Well, that's all for now folks. I'll be back later. (Have you seen the WWBTF video yet? If not, go visit
P.S. Here are the two setlists from the shows I attended ...
October 8, 2009
Wrecking Ball (with Curt Ramm)
Out in the Street
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working on a Dream
Thunder Road
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (with Jake Clemons, Ed Manion, Curt Ramm)
Born to Run
She's the One
Meeting Across the River (with Curt Ramm)
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Raise Your Hand (instrumental)
It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
My Love Will Not Let You Down
Because the Night
Human Touch
Lonesome Day
The Rising
No Surrender
* * *
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
Bobby Jean
American Land (with Curt Ramm)
Dancing in the Dark
Twist and Shout
October 9, 2009
Wrecking Ball
Spirit In The Night
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working On A Dream
Born In The USA
Cover Me
Darlington County
Working On The Highway
Downbound Train
I'm On Fire
No Surrender
Bobby Jean
I'm Goin' Down
Glory Days
Dancing In The Dark
My Hometown
Tougher Than The Rest
The Promised Land
Last to Die
Long Walk Home
The Rising
Born To Run
Raise Your Hand
The Last Time (Rolling Stones)
Waiting On A Sunny Day
Seven Nights To Rock
Kitty's Back
American Land
Jersey Girl
This was, of course, the final shows at our beloved Giants Stadium. I must say I got a little misty, especially last night, thinking about all the amazing shows I've been to there ... all the Jovi ones, as well as other artists. If you haven't heard it yet, here's the song Bruce wrote about the closing of the stadium ... yes, its awful to think that all our memories and victories and such will soon be a big parking lot. But, as Jon Bon Jovi would say "welcome to the next chapter" ...
They had some great "wrecking ball" t-shirts but I couldn't imagine wearing that across my chest. If you follow me on Twitter, you do know that I did actually buy a t-shirt ... so ... that makes 100 Bon Jovi t-shirts and ONE Bruce shirt. LOL
Anyway, there were so many amazing moments in the last two nights I don't even know where to start! The first night I was in the pit ... which was, as always, an incredible place to see a show. Certainly having the opportunity to help Bruce back to the stage was an unexpected treat! :-)
(here's a clip from a previous night of the great crowd-surfing moment)
Before all of you start thinking, oh HRH should do that! Just think about it. I don't think he'd ever get back to the stage. His clothes would be stripped off ... he would be grabbed everywhere (thank goodness he already has four kids) ... and he would be dropped "accidentally on purpose" and held captive by thousands of screaming women. Hmm ... perhaps just stick to walking thru the crowd, Jonny.
The Thursday show was "Born to Run" in its entirety ... and then last night was "Born in the U.S.A." from start to finish. I must say that hearing 60,000 people scream TRAMPS LIKE US is an almost amusing thing in itself. I loved hearing both those records - every track done by the original musicians. It was definitely a piece of history.
There were some extraordinary moments - a few that stand out are The Rising (on both nights), a smokin' version of Because the Night Belongs to Lovers, Human Touch with Patti (damn! I wish I could rock in leather pants like her ... one super cool chick), 4th of July, Asbury Park (better know as Sandy) and Jungleland (Thursday night.)
The man certainly shows that turning 60 obviously isn't a bad thing. He was non-stop action for 3+ hours (ok ... that's one thing that HRH could do ... c'mon Jonny, you're more than a decade younger ... you can still do 3 hour shows! hehe)
No, there were no "special guests" as was speculated upon endlessly by radio stations in NYC yesterday. In a way, I really wish they wouldn't do that because what happens is people end up getting disappointed over what DIDN'T happen rather than what DID.
And some people will always find something to complain about. I heard a lot of Bruce fans moaning about him closing with "Jersey Girl" ... which I LOVED! Oh, and by the way, why do Bruce fans talk so negatively about Bon Jovi and yet Bon Jovi fans - even if they don't care for Bruce - aren't NEARLY as nasty?! Hmmm...
But, in the end, the shows were FANTASTIC! They are two nights I will never forget ... along with all the other great nights in that great stadium. (Oh, and in good Giants Stadium fashion, as soon as the concert ended ... the skies opened up and it POURED ... guess the angels were crying.)
Well, that's all for now folks. I'll be back later. (Have you seen the WWBTF video yet? If not, go visit
P.S. Here are the two setlists from the shows I attended ...
October 8, 2009
Wrecking Ball (with Curt Ramm)
Out in the Street
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working on a Dream
Thunder Road
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (with Jake Clemons, Ed Manion, Curt Ramm)
Born to Run
She's the One
Meeting Across the River (with Curt Ramm)
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Raise Your Hand (instrumental)
It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
My Love Will Not Let You Down
Because the Night
Human Touch
Lonesome Day
The Rising
No Surrender
* * *
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
Bobby Jean
American Land (with Curt Ramm)
Dancing in the Dark
Twist and Shout
October 9, 2009
Wrecking Ball
Spirit In The Night
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working On A Dream
Born In The USA
Cover Me
Darlington County
Working On The Highway
Downbound Train
I'm On Fire
No Surrender
Bobby Jean
I'm Goin' Down
Glory Days
Dancing In The Dark
My Hometown
Tougher Than The Rest
The Promised Land
Last to Die
Long Walk Home
The Rising
Born To Run
Raise Your Hand
The Last Time (Rolling Stones)
Waiting On A Sunny Day
Seven Nights To Rock
Kitty's Back
American Land
Jersey Girl
Friday, October 9, 2009
Just a Tidbit of Bruce ... More Later
OH MY FRICKIN' GOODNESS ... I just got back from the Springsteen show at Giants Stadium and ... well ... I'm speechless (yes, mark this day on the calendar!)
Well, actually ... probably not speechless but VERY exhausted ... so I'm gonna go to bed. But a couple tidbits before I go ...
FIRST - Similar to Bon Jovi during the HAND tour, there was a walkway at the back of the pit with a small platform ... here's Bruce up there working the crowd ...

and then being the crazy man he is (which we all love!) ... here's Bruce (a bit blurry) ... crowd surfing back to the stage. I had to eventually put my camera down ... didn't want to drop Bruce!! You break it, you buy it! LOL

So ... one down ... one more to go. I have a feeling tomorrow night is going to be even more energetic than tonight ... and tonight ROCKED!
Well, actually ... probably not speechless but VERY exhausted ... so I'm gonna go to bed. But a couple tidbits before I go ...
FIRST - Similar to Bon Jovi during the HAND tour, there was a walkway at the back of the pit with a small platform ... here's Bruce up there working the crowd ...
and then being the crazy man he is (which we all love!) ... here's Bruce (a bit blurry) ... crowd surfing back to the stage. I had to eventually put my camera down ... didn't want to drop Bruce!! You break it, you buy it! LOL
So ... one down ... one more to go. I have a feeling tomorrow night is going to be even more energetic than tonight ... and tonight ROCKED!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Another Reason Fans Love Jon Bon Jovi
You can see just a snippet of Jon's comments starting at about 3:00.
P.S. Just another reminder to donate to the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation if you can. See widget in upper left corner.
P.S. Just another reminder to donate to the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation if you can. See widget in upper left corner.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A Whole Lot of Something Goin' On
Greetings ... and happy Saturday to y'all. Sorry that my posting has been a little erratic lately. Somehow my schedule is all over the place - and it seems October is going to be absolutely CRAZY. I'm not kidding ...
- The last two Bruce Springsteen shows at Giants Stadium
- Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes at BB King's
- Bobby Bandiera's Rock-n-Soul revue show at the Count Basie
- Yankees post-season games
- the taping of Inside the Actor's Studio which excites me more than I can even say!! (THANK YOU to my Jovifriend who helped me get tickets. *wink wink*)
Sounds like a pretty damn good month to me!! Woo hoo!! I do realize that I am EXTREMELY blessed to live in New York City and be able to attend lots of great events. That's one of the main reasons I have continued this blog - to simply be able to share these experiences with others who might be interested in them.
Anyway ...
Its been a looong time since I posted a new poll. I thought I'd do something to celebrate Bruce's run of shows at Giants by choosing a couple of clips of him with HRH for you to enjoy. Here we go ...
I was so bummed to hear that the HOPE Concert was probably not going to happen this year (according to the box office rep at the Count Basie.) Those shows are always awesome - great rock-n-roll music at its best.
And this clip just makes me laugh ... what is up with HRH's hand permanently attached to his belt? LOL
Don't forget to vote ... the poll box is somewhere on the left side bar ... below the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation widget, the Bon Jovi MLB (GO YANKEES!) widget and various other things ... its there I promise.
As a total aside: Does anybody else think that Big & Rich's "We're Coming to Your City" is the most perfect pairing for a tv show EVER (for ESPN's College Gameday) ... I LOVE IT!! Obviously, it just came on ... haha.
Okay ... there's been other news in the Joviworld, but that's what Google alerts are for. In terms of the artwork for the new record, I like it. (A quick note to the Twitter people there ... be sure the link actually works when you send out the tweet ... LOL) And as for that paparazzi video of Jon coming out of the Essex House ... seeing Craig Spencer in it has my head spinning with speculation (that's a dangerous place to be.)
Gotta go for now ... but I'll be back shortly. Time for more coffee (but, of course!)
- The last two Bruce Springsteen shows at Giants Stadium
- Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes at BB King's
- Bobby Bandiera's Rock-n-Soul revue show at the Count Basie
- Yankees post-season games
- the taping of Inside the Actor's Studio which excites me more than I can even say!! (THANK YOU to my Jovifriend who helped me get tickets. *wink wink*)
Sounds like a pretty damn good month to me!! Woo hoo!! I do realize that I am EXTREMELY blessed to live in New York City and be able to attend lots of great events. That's one of the main reasons I have continued this blog - to simply be able to share these experiences with others who might be interested in them.
Anyway ...
Its been a looong time since I posted a new poll. I thought I'd do something to celebrate Bruce's run of shows at Giants by choosing a couple of clips of him with HRH for you to enjoy. Here we go ...
I was so bummed to hear that the HOPE Concert was probably not going to happen this year (according to the box office rep at the Count Basie.) Those shows are always awesome - great rock-n-roll music at its best.
And this clip just makes me laugh ... what is up with HRH's hand permanently attached to his belt? LOL
Don't forget to vote ... the poll box is somewhere on the left side bar ... below the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation widget, the Bon Jovi MLB (GO YANKEES!) widget and various other things ... its there I promise.
As a total aside: Does anybody else think that Big & Rich's "We're Coming to Your City" is the most perfect pairing for a tv show EVER (for ESPN's College Gameday) ... I LOVE IT!! Obviously, it just came on ... haha.
Okay ... there's been other news in the Joviworld, but that's what Google alerts are for. In terms of the artwork for the new record, I like it. (A quick note to the Twitter people there ... be sure the link actually works when you send out the tweet ... LOL) And as for that paparazzi video of Jon coming out of the Essex House ... seeing Craig Spencer in it has my head spinning with speculation (that's a dangerous place to be.)
Gotta go for now ... but I'll be back shortly. Time for more coffee (but, of course!)
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